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Welcome to Wise You! (0:58)
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Part 1: Get Quiet
Part 1: Introduction (1:20)
Part 1: Meditation Tips (2:00)
Part 1: Additional Resources (2:09)
Part 1: Before You Move On... (2:04)
Part 2: Access your Intuition
Part 2: Introduction (1:38)
Part 2: Using Intuition Tools (2:27)
Part 2: Asking the Right Questions (2:54)
Part 2: Automatic Writing (2:56)
Part 2: Guided Visualization (3:42)
Part 2: Oracle Cards (3:44)
Part 2: Additional Tips (2:58)
Part 2: Before You Move On... (2:11)
Part 3: Clear your Channel
Part 3: Introduction (1:59)
Part 3: Intuition vs. Thoughts (3:49)
Part 3: Your Ideal Method (2:31)
Part 3: Asking the Same Question (2:07)
Part 3: Self-care Comes First (2:42)
Part 3: Don't Try So Hard (2:45)
Part 3: Before You Move On... (1:27)
Thank you (1:31)
Disclaimer & Terms
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